Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dear blog,

I took out the time to blog because I am too lazy to touch the hw for this weekend... Hmm... I did maths and english.... And decided to push Chem till someday I am happy to do it... No need to hand in anyway...

Feeling quite guilty now for not going to Andrea's Birthday party... Steam boat!!! Love it... But this few days I am going bankrupt and they are going to stay overnight at Sihui's hse... Means... No one is accompany me back! Fine... Although I don't really live that far from SH... But... Haiz... I also donno... I went for WenRong's party... And never go Andrea one... Like very bad lehx... Cause I am more close to Andrea than WR... Haiz.... But things done can't be undone... Shrugs... What can I do??? Going swimming tml... swim out all those stress yupx... Actually I don really know which stress level am I in now... I am feeling empty, lazy, incompetent... It's a feeling that I am plunging down... Hmm... Maybe it's now stress... It's depression??? Lol....

Yesterday we took class photo... I think I am going to look ugly... Hmm... The fun-shot was... Can say not really well planned but great idea... Hmm... Yah... Think I am going to buy the big one if I look OK in the photo... Memories lahx...

DPA... Haiz... Should I join??? A secure position in the course and you can easily opt out if you want.... But thinking about my holidays after to O's going down the drain and studying after the O's again make me feel like... Hey forget it... And I still have no idea what to take... So Mao Dun... I want Marine Engineering... But those are for guys and no one is coming with me... And I am... Hmm.... Losing intrest in it... I want Nautical studies and my eyesight fails me... I want Offshore Marine and I am afraid that I would be like those San fen Zhong re du... Haiz.... The wanna take Applied Drama and Physcology but I have no intention into going into drama... WTH! What course am I going for!!! I am losing alot of intrest in Science courses and busniess are totally not my piece of cake! Lol... Best solution go JC! Sianed... JC is far worst... I am losing interest in Life! Gosh~

Let me sleep... Wake me up when It's the time... I don't know how much the world would have changed... But after the long sleep, I may know where I am going... Where I am heading... Where am I suppose to be... Maybe I would know how to live life to the fullest... How to persue my dreams... Where I stand... I hate studying... Books... Memorise and produce... No difference from computors... But I don't know where else should I go... Help me.... Bring me to sleep....

Oh ya! And we are going for Adam Khoo course next week from tues to thurs... Yup... and from exp ppl... We are going to cry like we lost our families and get motivated by I donno what... And what so ever... Haiz... Feeling confused.... Donno I should be scared or excited....

I donno how motivated I would be... But I hope this is going to guide me to the right way...

Engulfed In Madness... Jyt_Derx

Monday, July 09, 2007

Dear blog,

It's like finally I could get time out for a post... While watching YLBFB cum you tube and blogging at the same time... AHH!!! JJ Rox lolx... He is like so good... Later let you see a vedio of his beat box.... KKz... Hmm...

I shall start from YL's birthday.... WtH! So expensive??? The cake everyone must pay 45 cents... I was like dotz... Anyway... I didn't eat the cake... No one ate it anyway... Cause it's being dumped on YiLong's face and threw around... Everyone was like running for their lives like... Ppl got threw into the swimming pool... Me an exception... Cause my ren yuan bu hao mahx... Ya lolc...Sihui andrea and Jas kena threw down... Haha... Then took andrea's car home and my pants became wet... Cause andrea is wet... Dotz... Then Andrea's stuff is 1.80... Charcoal and stuff is 1.00 and Shao hua de Seafood is 3.75... I only ate like 5 prawn? A few mouth of fish??? And Stingray? I didn't even see it's shadow... But it beats those who didn't eat at all... Hmm....

Then sat went to K-box to celebrate Wenrong's BD... In the end became me and Huiling there singing... Wenrong, Kerrxing and Jia Qing also never sing lolx... Then Shao Hua keep ka jiao us lahx... Dotz... Yesterday went for marathon at east coast... 5km and I ran 2.5 and walk 2.5.... I step down so long liaox now still call me go run... I will die one lehx... And my sis was like dragging me lolx... Dotz... And I am aching all over today morning... And I told her next time don't anyhow register me for such long run... Hmm... Got 2.5k run??? Maybe she kena the heredity from my dad.... Cause my dad really love jogging lolx... And now she say she want go run the Mizuno run (she is eyeing for the sovenier shoe bag... Cause it's nice...) and then shape run.... And my bro is another physco... He say he wan take part in Children's bilaton (Cycle and Run) cycle donno how many K lahx... but run 2k.... He sure die one lahx... Dotz... And then yesterday before I run I still go tell my sis... Aye... I wanna run trilaton... Then she was like... Erm... You cannot swim, run also cannot...You go cyclton can liaox lahx... Quite true actually.... Hehe...

And then the stupid bio! Waste my whole sunday there studying then today no test... should have went swimming with my sis lolx (Train for trilaton)... She was like praying so hard for me to go with her and I say wait I finish studying my bio... In the end? No test! Grrr...... And test is like next next week lolx... And my bio results are so horrendous lahx.... Theroy test got a pathatic 19 marks... but considered the better ones... Cause highest only like 22/50??? And then today got back practical... Haiz... 4 only... Sadded... Hai Kui I am among the highest in class for mid year practical paper... Sadded.... Sobs... After school Me, HL and Jas was like laughing our heads off Lee tok kok's pis... and took quite some time to identify those teacher... And we even saw mrs sng as ms chua... Alike larx... And mr Kang... So cute lolx... So innocent... HAHAHAHA!!!

KKz... Show you the vedio I said about JJ's B-box... He rawks!

Kkz... Singing off... Don't expect me to update often cause I am not free even on weekends!!! Test after test... Night classes and homework.... Gosh~ I wanna die....

Engulfed In Madness... Jyt_Derx