Sunday, March 06, 2011

There are times in one's life that you find that you are aimless. Your life becomes such a routine that you don't even need to think or plan about where you are going next, cause you are going nowwhere. That's what I am feeling now. :(

I need to re-ignite my passion for something, there are so many things that I want to try yet I don't have the courage to. I act as though I am happy with my current status but deep down I am not, Tan Bei Yi wants a more fruitful life than the one she is currently in.

I need to be more determine to finish a task. I always leave things hanging because my thoughts drifted away. I never get things complete.

I need to find my goal in life, because it would be my north star to success. I don't want to be an aimless wanderer.

I hate to be alone, yet I don't take the first step. I act as though I am Chirppy dosen't mean thats me. I am just a lady who lack confidence, who have no interest in anything, who thinks she failed the world.

I know complaining with no actions does no good. I have been asked, is this a fact or a psychological problem. I myself know it's the latter, but I don't know how to change.

I hate to feel inferior to people yet I want to be humble. Contradicting. How I wish I had just half of HIS confidence. How I wish...

"When I am weak, then I am strong. 我脆弱却不退缩."

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