Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last day of disaterous 2008

Ask if I regretted going into JC, I would say yes. Junior College is just not right for me... O-levels result was plain luck... But I do understand why I chose JC over poly then... Several reasons... A lost bet, teacher's encouragement and also... the most important of all... I am afraid that I chose the wrong course... The one that wasn't meant to be...

But if you ask if I regretted going to JJ, I would say no. I know people will be shocked, but yes, I did not regret. JJ is great I would say. Although academic wise we are not there, but life is made better in JJ than other JC, I can bet on that. The activities planned, the chance they give to each student... were great. I was happy that I didn't appeal for AC then although there is like almost 0% I would get in anyway....

Reflections of 2008. JC life sucks big time, promos sux but ironically I got a bursary... Life is simply, eat sleep study eat sleep study... Next year? Or rather tomorrow? study study STUDY... and I think after A's all my notes has became kiam cai...

2009 resolutions? Shall start with the more difficult one...

  • World Peace. Hope that next year I won't open the papers and see people dying due to terrorism attacks in middle east and India.
  • Health: Scandals are no longer present. No more tainted milk, chocolate and what ever you can thing of.
  • Financial Crisis: World-wide fall in stocks crashed many hopes and dreams. Next year we will make a good turn.
  • Education: Hope I pass A-levels with flying colours and cope well with J2.
  • Friends: Maintain the friendship I have with 7! I don't want history to repeat itself.
  • Family & Friends: Stay happy and cheerful forever.
  • Someone: To be more sensitive to it's surroundings (Not to say the person is a him or her... so just call the person it.)
  • Myself: What goes around comes around.

Hope these things do come true :) Although point one is barely achievable :)

范逸臣-無樂不作.Mp3 -

That's all folks...
Say goodbye to 2008~

Sunday, December 21, 2008

This Chirstmas
8A Ann Siang Road

A.R.K House
22nd December 2008


For people who are wondering why I am going around asking where the hell is Ann Siang Road... This is the reason... The launch of Smudge... The colour of freedom... You know... I am so darn tempted to buy this shirt... But the cost... hmm... 69.90... Haiz... I don't print money you see...

Okie... I watched Twilight last thursday... OMG~ Twilight owns me! I think that's the best movie I watched this year... I suppose... Hmm... The dashed to buy the book after the movie... but too bad... I couldn't get the original version :( so I took the movie version instead... the girls are saying that Edward is nice-looking but I feels like something about his face features is very wrong and indeed he look really like a vampire... haha... I think I like the dad Carlisle more :D I like the character Alice though after a reading marathon for 4 days and my parents saying that I am mad... hmm... The way she takes things peacefully... I suppose and her powers to see the future... But I must admit that Edward leaves me a very good impression in both the book and movie and I could really visualize his looks... well... sort of made biased by the guy who acted Edward... haha... But bella gives me the impression of a very weak girl which dosen't really tally with her character of dating a vampire... anyway... don't want to be a spoiler here but I think people who pass by here had read the book lahx... haha... I am wanting for more... I think I am swarming down orchard soon to get the other 3 books at one go... I don't want to make anymore trip to that mega town... :(

Anyway... before the movie, I was with Veron at Fareast and I finally dare to walk into the shop... it's really damn scary lahx... so dark and ulu... But I went in anyway and saw this... I think a vest... (Well... what do you call the sleevless jacket???) that I swore I saw derrick wearing to yu bai but it's red... erm... I thought the vest was cool... but the price was cooler... hmm... 115 bucks for god sake! I don;t own a bank! Anyway, the shop assistant was friendly and gave us the name card... went to check out the website and found a few nice clothes... Don't even bother to buy cause they are either sold out (no restocks) or too expensive... yah...

Tee=69, Jacket= 115~155, Caps= 69, Belts= 40 plus... yah... unless you own the bank or print money... you are not really going to get all these... haha..

This two are similar shirts but just different colours... Sorry... Recently my world of colours are dull... I am madly in love with black... So you will see alot of blacks... hmm...

I don't think it's very clear here.. but thats a hoodie (is that what you call a jacket with hoods?) And the prints are playing cards... Rather interesting...

This is the vest I was talking about... but the one I saw was red in colour... pretty cool... I know it dosen't look nice here... but it look nice there in the shop :)))

This is the couple jeans... I like it because of the two leos at the back pocket... Super Kawaii desuka!

Hmm... come to think of it... i think this is the first time I finish a 400 near 500 pages book in 4 days... yah lahx.... you know my pace of reading... and my attention span... haha...

Friday, December 19, 2008

This wasn't the first time I walked out on them...
Guys... I am sorry...
But I can't promise there is no next time...
Because... being trapped in between wasn't my choice afterall :)
And I can't just leave it as it is...
Beneath the calm waters, there are whirpools...
Everything you see now is just an illusion...
To the ones who reads this is understands what i am talking about...
It's time for you to stop and think...
What have you done to make what it is today...
stop complaining...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finally 17...
Now no one can say that I am still 16...
But stupid veron was saying two more months and she is 18...
and go watch M18 show dowan jio me... :(

Went East Coast park today to cycle.... Whee~ Months since I cycle we went to Changi Safra... but without the guys cause Lixuan was having problem with his blades and blade can't pass a rocky road to SAFRA so the guys went mac and the girl sat at the rock around SAFRA watching the sea... Haha... we sat there from high tide to low tide sia... talking about mountains, volcanos, typoon, hurricane and all your geo stuff... I can't imagine a volcano erupting in the sea and out of the sudden you see smoke -_-''' haha... Had mac for dinner and lunch... OMG... Actually wanted to eat Kao yu... but since the guys had mega mcspicy for tea-break I doubt they want a dinner... lol...

Anyway... THANKS Alfred, HuiMin, Seiyu, WanRong, LiXuan and Veron for the birthday gift! Although you guys gave me three random thing... eh... not really lahx... but at first I thought it was Sixology.... Haha... The shecdule book... Hmm... Actually I already had one... I bought from Korea... About the same... But that one is Zoo land and this one is fairy tale... haha... but anyway, I will use it next year :) Zoo Land can wait... And the pen... actually I had one too...but not so many colours... Shoelace... hmm... am I suppose to tie it to my shoe? I abit she bu de lehx... later dirty... Haha... and I have no idea what a shoelace have to do with a shecdule book and pen... hmm... But anyway, THANK YOU for your presents and today! (even though the birthday song was...)

Veron's BD- We haven't met each other...
WanRong's BD- We are still not close...
Alfred's BD- We went to Suntec for dinner @ Secret Recipe. And we shopped down the whole orchard to buy him a shirt.
SeiYu's BD- We had a gross movie at Cathay and we almost got Lixuan's house burnt down on baking cookies... haha... JK...
LiXuan's BD- We shopped Marina for a basketball... and I felt sorry for not being there during his BD...
HuiMin's BD- We tear down the whole of Giant IMM for BBQ stuff and drag our way to West coast and BBQed in the rain... We toured the country to get her a cap and a pencil case.
Beiyii's BD- We went to ECP and cycled in a single file... They shopped JP (I suppose) and got me a book, pen and shoelace.

Oue evolution of Birthdays... I wonder what's going to happen next year :)