Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last day of disaterous 2008

Ask if I regretted going into JC, I would say yes. Junior College is just not right for me... O-levels result was plain luck... But I do understand why I chose JC over poly then... Several reasons... A lost bet, teacher's encouragement and also... the most important of all... I am afraid that I chose the wrong course... The one that wasn't meant to be...

But if you ask if I regretted going to JJ, I would say no. I know people will be shocked, but yes, I did not regret. JJ is great I would say. Although academic wise we are not there, but life is made better in JJ than other JC, I can bet on that. The activities planned, the chance they give to each student... were great. I was happy that I didn't appeal for AC then although there is like almost 0% I would get in anyway....

Reflections of 2008. JC life sucks big time, promos sux but ironically I got a bursary... Life is simply, eat sleep study eat sleep study... Next year? Or rather tomorrow? study study STUDY... and I think after A's all my notes has became kiam cai...

2009 resolutions? Shall start with the more difficult one...

  • World Peace. Hope that next year I won't open the papers and see people dying due to terrorism attacks in middle east and India.
  • Health: Scandals are no longer present. No more tainted milk, chocolate and what ever you can thing of.
  • Financial Crisis: World-wide fall in stocks crashed many hopes and dreams. Next year we will make a good turn.
  • Education: Hope I pass A-levels with flying colours and cope well with J2.
  • Friends: Maintain the friendship I have with 7! I don't want history to repeat itself.
  • Family & Friends: Stay happy and cheerful forever.
  • Someone: To be more sensitive to it's surroundings (Not to say the person is a him or her... so just call the person it.)
  • Myself: What goes around comes around.

Hope these things do come true :) Although point one is barely achievable :)

范逸臣-無樂不作.Mp3 -

That's all folks...
Say goodbye to 2008~

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