Saturday, May 17, 2008

詞/王雅君 曲/林俊傑


我的心也被震碎了 下一秒瓦解了
我們要堅定著 愛~讓我們不放棄活著 還要繼續和大自然

當愛與希望 投射炙熱的太陽
昨日淚光 會隨時間都蒸干
別輕易放棄 明天要許更多願望
裝滿了勇氣 就更有力量

當愛與希望 倒映暖暖的月亮
再回頭望 又是築好的家鄉
我打開了窗 看見了晴朗

I thought it wouldn't affect me so much... but i think i was wrong... Everyday i flip open the papers, i could feel my heart tingling and tears welling up in my eyes when i read those articles... In just an hour, a whole town flattens... half of the population gone and many still buried in the remains waiting to be rescued... In just an hour, many became orpahans. In just an hour, many parents lost their child. In just an hour, your love ones are gone. In just an hour, your family breaks apart... In just one hour, their world turns upside down.

My alarm didn't sound until yesterday when i was flipping the papers and i saw that big caption... every 15min, a body was being carried out... and the news, in order to save their lives, they must have their limbs amputated...

This makes me think how lucky we are...

Please do whatever you can...
Listen to their silent screams!!!

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