Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yipee~ It's finally the hols!! God~ I have been waiting for this day to come for like donno how long lahx... but my hols equals to like no hols de lolx.. Ok lahx... first week can slack at home... and i prepare to slack for that whole week and do miscellaneous stuffs like filing and craps lahx... newspaper cuttings, i owed lke one month of newspapers which is like 60 articles???!!! Shoot... then second week got one week of lecture make-up. 3rd week need to study for common test... 4th week need to do PW... which is driving me up the wall...

Then yesterday I went for WestZone LINE camp duty... Wah seh super scary lahx... there is this guy fell down and then got alot of blood sia... and his leg is like numbed lolx... the SCDF ppl still have to come down sia lahx... then still need stitches... and you should be the amount of blood around him... it's in puddles... not droplets manz... then the other casualties is all minor one lahx... Then half way through we went back to GP test and i think i flunk the VC and equals to failing the essay too... my point of debate is like not there lolx... aiyah whatever lahx... then tues the chem bonding test... kaoz... GG ler lolx and thurs de bio test... if i can pass, i will give charmaine 100 bucks... i told her lahx... cause i crapped... and i think the teacher would just strike everything off and write see me... haha... Diaoz...

And my progress report sucks big time lahx... I got only A for Chem... and then the others all C and Ds... Heart break... i still thinking of exemption which is like AABD? Maths got B... it's likeone more mark to the A grade lahx... then bio first time in my life I got a D and it one mark to a C... Gek... Econs... thanks of that badly done project I got D... 2 marks to a C... Then GP.... I got a D.... 1 mark to a C... Do you feel like banging the wall if you get this type of results? I feel like banging the wall... it's like just one or 2 marks and I jump a grade... *Cui Xin Gan* My progress report sux lahx... donno what the hell my mum would say if she see it... i think will volcano eruption bah.x... What the- give me this type of stupid results!!! Then that time she still saw my chem topical test lolx... 80 marks for both test and she should be thinking that my results are not bad... and what is this? What progress report is this man... Haiz.... Sianed... Ruin my hols... Sadded...

And it is just to early in the game to get this type of results bahx!

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