Dear blog,
Yesterday she thought me how to crop pics out... kkz... i admit I am not really good on com's software... YEahx... Then I went home to try... Lala.. I did it... And it's all JJ's pic... LoLx... Anyway... My motive here is to put a few vedios up... I got it from you-tube and laughing my ass off over this...
Well... No offence... but his facial expression is really funny.... And could anyone tell me, Is Hong JunYang now in Hai Die the shi di of JJ Lin??? I saw a vedio where Lin Yu Zhong intro JY into his music album as his junior and if I am not wrong Lin Yu Zhong is under Hai Die... and worse come to worse... there's a Hai Luo that is making me blur and JJ Lin, Jin Sha, Lin Yu Zhong, Ah Du is all under Hai Luo ... But I thought they are in hai die??? GGGrrr... What the hell is this? And show you one super lame lame lame until cannot lame liaox de vidieo...
Agree with me??? KKz... Dropping this... JY and Lin Yu Zhong together with Jin Sha is the dai yan ren of the korean game Granado Espada or what ever one lahx... Ppl who watches tv should know this game cause the ad is really alot... And then JY came up in one of Yu Le Bai Fen Bai de news before... but no interview lahx... just... donno what he doing there... Together is JJ Lin and Lin Yu Zhong... If you remember, the YLBFB got the news of Lin Yu Zhong in the pub and JJ went to zhan tai??? Kkz... forgot never mind... JY was in that news... Kkz... Going off... I am here to just post the vedio of JJ only... Haha... so funny...
Engulfed In Madness... Jyt_Derx
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